Sunday, November 30, 2008

A good Daddy!

Yesterday me and my mom went to see Twilight. I had seen it already but I had a another chance to go so I jumped on that and went with my mom. I loved it even more the second time. My mom enjoyed it too. I did realize that if you haven't read the books it may not be so enjoyable.

So as I went to enjoy a a movie with no children, Sean took the kids to see Madagascar 2. They all loved it and even Sean thought it was pretty good. He is such a good dad to suggest taking all of them to a movie while I go spend some time with my mom. I love that man.
After we all got back Sean and I had a quick date and went to Red Robin and had dinner. Then we came home and had FML night. (That is our abbreviation for family movie night!)


Amy said...

i enjoyed the more the 2nd time around :)