Sunday, November 30, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving a few days late!

We had a great Thanksgiving this year as always. Sean and I took Cierra and Brooke to the Y and while I exercised, they went swimming. There was hardly anyone there and it was a fun way to start the day. We then came home and got things ready and left for my parents house. This year was a little stressful since the Cowboys were playing the Seahwaks. We love the Cowboys and my mom and dad and sisters family all love the Seahwaks with the exception of my nephew Austin. He came over to our side about 2 years ago and has been a faithful fan ever since.

Luckily it ended well for us and the Cowboys stomped all over the Seahawks!:)

Thanskgiving was great thanks to this awesome mom! The turkey was perfect and all the other fixings............well except one minor thing!

(my mom wore all black because she was the referee during the football game. Luckily she didn't have to throw anyone out. Phew!)

The beautiful turkey!

Oh, I guess this was the minor thing. The yams caught fire right in the middle of the prayer. My mom tried to wait until the prayer was done but she couldn't. She smelled them burning and ran to open the oven. Out burst flames as the yams burnt to a crisp. We got the fire out and amazingly enough the yams were salvaged!
Turns out only the marshmallows were burnt, so we scraped them off and put new ones on and they were good as new.
Here the boys are warming up for the game.
I didn't know Sean could jump that high!
Another Thanksgiving here and gone and I couldn't be more thankful this year for my family. I love each and every one of them and I am so happy to have a wonderful husband who supports me in everything that I do. Also for four beautiful healthy children that bless my life everyday.
I love my parents and my sister and her family and I am so grateful that we can be a close family and get along so well. I love you all!