Sunday, September 7, 2008

It's football season already.........

Football season is here I have decided I am going to be a good wife and support the Cowboys and actually watch the games with my hubby. He has promised he won't yell at the TV and I promised I would not ask questions until half time. The kids are getting into too and we all have our shirts to represent Americas team!:)
First game was today and we won 28-10 Go Cowboys!:)

Cierra making her daddy proud!

And this is where Sean will be pretty much be until December.
**one little side note:If you know my husband, you will know that he wears a cowboys bracelet and has not ever taken it off. I tried to convince him that he probably has some disease underneath it and he should atleast take it off to shower but he insists on wearing it at all times. So a few weeks ago he woke me in the early morning hours to tell me he can't find his bracelet and do I know where it is. Was he serious? I thought not until I looked at his face and knew that he was a little upset about this. I told him I would look for it when I got up and to go ahead and leave for work. He called later to see if I had found it. Nope! Not a sign of the beloved bracelet. He got home and told the kids that he would pay whoever found it 20 bucks, so the kids searched and searched and nothing! I think Sean finally accepted that it was gone when a friend of his called and told him that he found the bracelet at his house. Sean had been there the night before he lost it helping him put in his lawn. Sean was so excited, it was almost weird. I would hope that he would get this excited if he lost me and then found me.
He says it has sentimentiel meaning to him but the whole thing is a little weird to me. I think I may have to slip it off in the middle of the night tonight just to see what he does. I love to torture this man!

Revolution Soccer team- first game 10-2
We won!
Had to go to DQ and celebrate the big victory with the Downey Family!
Connor scored two goals. He had a lot of fun and did a great job.


Jen said...

Jodi...we will help you overcome your lack of football knowledge. I did a quick Google search and came up with this book available on for $13.99. It's called "Football for Wives" and is published by the same company that published "Football for Dummies". It may be a good read.

A few FHE nights of football and you'll have a better understanding of the game than good 'ol Sean.

Amy said...

too funny. lucky he found it.

TheFieldings said...

What have you done to those poor children?!?!? How could you force them to wear THOSE???

Rick Fielding

Bowles said...

I love these little glimps' into your family's life.
Have a great day!