Monday, September 22, 2008

Busy weekend:)

What a busy weekend we had! It all started Friday night when Sean and I had our date night while the kids stayed home by themselves. We left them for 2 hours and it was pure bliss. We went to Olive Garden and had fun not talking over 4 kids. When we came home all the kids had on paint shirts and were painting at the table. Kaylee definitely earned her 6.00. The tv wasn't even on!!! Then Saturday morning I woke up at 6:30 to go do the Northwest Trek 8k run with my friends Anna and Marci!(You girls, Rock! Thanks for running with me Marci, it was fun and of course Anna left us in the dust after about 4 seconds but that was to be expected) After the race we sat and froze while they did the raffles. It was pouring down rain and we were soaked to the bone but it was well worth it for me when I won a 100.00 gift card to Fleet Feet in Bonney Lake. I am so excited to get a brand new pair of shoes for the half marathon that is coming up in less then two weeks.(not sure if I am ready for that one but oh well, I will get through it.) So after I got home I rushed to take a shower because I had two very anxious girls ready to go to the fair.(what happens when you wait until the last day to go to the fair?-it pours on you! I was ok with it, after all I was born in Washington and I am use to the rain. On the other hand I thought Sean was going to melt.)
Connor had a soccer game earlier in the morning and Kaylee and Connor went with their dad and they also went to the fair. We didn't see them but they had a great time too.

We rode the metro bus from the mall down to the fair. This was as fun as any ride to my kids!

We all rode the ferris wheel. Sean didn't want to but the lady taking the tickets let Sean and I ride for free so he went. He is terrified of heights. Brooke was actually not tall enough and she instantly burst into tears and the lady working there told me if I put her hair in big fluffy buns on the top of her head she would be tall enough. I thought it was kind of funny but we did it and Brooke loved every minute of it. As you can see Sean is holding on for dear life!:)

Puyallup fair with the rain falling down. It didn't stop people from coming. It was still busy!!

Brooke and Cierra would have rode every ride there but we let them choose 3. That was a hard choice. All the rides Cierra wanted to ride, she wasn't tall enough for. She was used to Disnelyand where she could ride any ride there.

Fishing for Octopus. 20.00 later they both walk away with a fun prize!

Brooke wasn't a fan of the spinning bears! She looked a little green after they got off.

And finally the great prizes from fishing for octopus.


Mom and Dad said...

Busy, busy, busy. Glad the girls had a good time at the fair.

Sharon Severson said...

So, you survived the day ok?????My turn in the NOT looking foward to the next 11 days! I also, went on the ferris wheel this year! I bet it's been 20 years! I hate that thing! It's not the heights as much as it is the chair swinging and going around in circles!!! I closed my eyes when I got stuck on the top! YUCK>>>Oh well, it'll be another 20 before I do that again, lol!