Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Guitar Hero fun!

I know we are probably the last ones to get this but we are finally proud owners of Guitar Hero for our Wii. And it is all thanks to Connor. He got some money from his dad and decided this is what he wanted. (I think Sean is having the most fun, but don't tell him I said so!) Brooke just loves to dance while the music plays.
Kaylee, who is now officially 11 decided to spend her money more wisely(lol) and got a pre-paid cell phone. While I don't think she really needs one, it has come in quite handy since she has had it.


Mindy said...

Nice moves there Sean:) oh and you too Brooke! Looks like fun.

Stephanie said...

you'll never be last to get a video game as long as you know the Conners. :)

Sharon Severson said...

We don't even have a Wii! And my kids have never even been to anyones house to play wii....and we don't even have cable, so they don't even know what wii IS!!!BUT...let's see some pics of you and the guitar! Just don't sing while you do it! LOL