Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Brooke is funny!

Recently Brooke said this to me:

"I wished I lived at preschool"(mom says:sometimes I wished you did too!)

"I can wipe my own bum now because I'm 4!"(mom says:well thank goodness because I really didn't enjoy doing that job!)

"When am I going to be 3 again so I can suck my thumb?"(mom says:like that has stopped you! You still have your thumb in your mouth all the time!)

Kids are funny and especially Brooke. Why I let her get away with everything, I am really not sure. I guess because she is my last and I don't want her to grow up. I still carry her everywhere and it is driving me crazy. She is getting so heavy. How do I stop without her making a big scene? Ok, so that is what is on my mind right now!