Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Fun Filled Weekend!

Here is just a few highlights of our busy weekend. We had a great time and loved almost every minute of it. One of my favorite things to do is watch our kids play sports. Connor had a basketball game Saturday morning and he did awesome. He made a basket and a had few great plays. He loves to play all sports and we really enjoy watching him.

Cierra got to do the cheer clinic that Rogers cheerleaders put on and she had absolutely loved it. They did a performance at the end that we got to go and watch and it was fun to see her attitude come out in the way she moved. She was able to memorize the cheers she was taught and just loved being with the cheerleaders. At the end the RHS cheerleaders did a performance and that was pretty cool to watch. It brought me back to my high school years, even though I wasn't a cheerleader, I was at every football game to see all the boys!:)

Cierra had a double fun day since she had her first basketball game too. I wasn't able to sit down and enjoy hers since I am the coach and I had to run up and down the court telling the kids what to do. It was a little chaotic but what can you expect from 10 first graders? Cierra was very aggressive and got in there with all the boys.

And last but not least, we went to a surprise party for a friend of ours. Kristin turned the big 30 and so we went to a party that her hubby and Kelli threw for her. It was so much fun getting together with all our friends. We are so blessed to have such good friends that we can have so much fun with.

Here is a few of the party goers hanging out in the kitchen waiting for the big surprise!

Kristin walking in, I am pretty sure she was a little shocked!

Sean playing some pool.
Anna, Rebecca and Kathryn This was the funniest thing ever. The guys played this game called butt ball. Have you ever heard of it? Not me! So they all go in the racquetball court and they throw the ball against the wall and you have to catch in on one bounce. If you don't and it touches you, you have to run to the other wall and touch the wall before someone throws the ball to the wall. If you don't make it you get a letter. That part isn't so bad, but if you get the letters B-U-T-T then you have to stand against the far wall and everyone gets a chance at throwing the ball as hard as thy can at you. This is Dave throwing the ball at Damon. You have to face the wall and you can't move but you can put your head down. Sean has a few welts but luckily he only spelled butt once. Anyways, it was quite funny to watch.
Couldn't pass up some pool volleyball. That was a lot of fun and my team won most of the games. It must have been my wicked spike!:)
Sean and Anders playing hoops.

Another fun game was around the world ping pong. Whoever thought you could get exercise playing ping pong. Jen and Leslie was taking the game very seriously in this picture.(note:I don't think Leslie is sweating. I am pretty sure it is because she just came from the pool.)
Well that about concludes our fun weekend. Sean and Josh also took all the kids to the movie that was playing at the school on Friday while I went to Jen's for a girls night out. We made cards, ate food and talked. So much fun!
I have to say thank you to my parents who came through again and watched the kids for us so we could go to the party. Luckily they kept them over night because we didn't get home until almost 3am. It was nice to be able to sleep in!:)


Jennifer said...

Sheesh, woman! You are always so busy! I don't know how you do it! Super fun!