Monday, June 27, 2011

Field Day 2011 for Cierra and Brooke

Two different days and two different schools but they were both so much fun and I was glad to be a part of it! Cierra had the nicer day and had some really fun things to do. I was in charge of the obstacle bounce house which Brooke loved, since she got to go on it over and over as we waited for the classes to come out.

Cierra, Maegan and Phoebe waiting in line for it.

Cierra playing a water game with Phoebe.

Cierra and Maegan in class

Brooke testing out the slide before the classes came out!

Cierra's class before they hit the field for Field Day!

Brooke did the "Olympics Field Day" and had a lot of fun. It was a tad bit chilly but both Sean and I got to go see her do her events and it was fun. She participated in the long jump, the 100 yard dash and one other one that I just can't remember.

Brooke and two of her friends in her class.

Brooke thought it was a lot of fun, but Mrs. Bronoske was not there because she was having her baby and Brooke really missed her. She doesn't like change although she did really like the sub the had for the last week of school.

School is out for the summer and we are really enjoying the time off. We will go to Wild Waves weekly( Sean is off this week so he gets to come with us on Friday), go to Banks Lake, go to Silverwood and Kaylee and I get to go to Girls Camp! Before we know it, the summer will be over and school will start again!