Sunday, November 14, 2010

Cierra's special weekend!

It started on Friday when Cierra received an award for perseverance at her school. She was pretty proud of herself and so were we. At her conference her teacher said she is right on target and doing well. She doesn't give up easily and will try anything until she gets it right.
Her friend Phoebe and Nina got an award too and that is who she is sitting next to.

Grandma and Grandpa came to support her too and even though she didn't show it, she loved having them there and getting attention.

Then Saturday morning Sean, myself and Cierra woke up early to drive to Snoqualime for the Turkey trot run she was doing. It was special because it was just the 3 of us. (Kaylee stayed home with Brooke and Connor went with the Gailey's to his soccer game) We met up with the Shakespeare's, the Conner's, the Nelson's and the Baker's) Cierra started a running club that my friend Tiffany is doing. It has been so perfect for her. It is something she is excited to do and loves it. They meet once a week to practice. They go over the running part of it but also the nutrition part of it. They ran the 1k and now they will be training for a 5k. I can't wait to run that one with her. She told me that when she grows up she wants to be a runner like me. (I hope that is true!)

Jamie, Cierra, Brynnley, Hallie
Lindsey, Kennedi, Natalie, and Kylie

Pre-race warm up! (We love you Tiffany! Your such a great coach!)

almost to the finish line!
She earned the metal and flower!

I have to mention my awesome friend Anna!-She ran the 5k and did an amazing job. She always amazes me but today she really did. She ran the 5k in 21 minutes and 22 seconds. That is a pace of 6:53. That is pretty much sprinting and the course wasn't flat either. Great Job Anna! I may never be as fast as you but I will always try my hardest for you!!!

After the race Cierra went to her friends Birthday party at the YMCA where she had a lot of fun. Today she had her primary program where she sang songs and recited her part without flaw. Now we are heading to her Activity Day recognition night. It will just be the 3 of us again to make it more special to her.
This girl of mine can test my patience beyond belief but she is TOTALLY worth it. I love you Cierra "boogie woogie"!