Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Swine Flu.....or not??

Brooke got really sick on Monday and I had to take her to the doctors. Three hours and several breathing treatments later we went home with a prescription in hand and was told she has the swine flu but they didn't test for it because she had the vaccine on Saturday and it would read positive even if she didn't have it. Her temperature was up to 103.6 and her oxygen level was 93(not awful but not very good either). We waited and they finally told us after her oxygen level went back up that she could go home and as long as she went pee in the next 2 hours she would be good, otherwise she would need to come back in for an IV. Thankfully she peed and was pretty good after the Motrin set in. She slept fine and and has not had a fever since. She has a cough and seems a little tired but that is it. I will see what tomorrow brings but I am really hoping that the worst is over and really it wasn't even that bad. She did throw up a few times after trying to eat on Monday but has been fine since. So was it the Swine flu.......or the regular flu or just a fluke reaction from getting the vaccine on Saturday?? Who knows? All I know is that I hope it's gone and no one else gets it!

Brooke is such a trooper though. She colored for a good part of the day yesterday and today and was still her happy self.

She did have a few coughs and has been taking her inhaler to loosen all the gunk up!

She has been very good about not spreading her germs all over the place! (Thanks Brookie!)

She takes all her medicine without a complaint.

If you know Kaylee, you know she is obsessive about everything and that includes germs. She heard the word, Swine and has been wearing a mask ever since. She won't be catching this piggy.........if that is indeed what it is!

Hope you are all healthy and happy!


Baker said...

Oh Jodi...oh, that precious face of Brooke's. It just breaks my heart. Glad she seems to be on the mend. I've got myself all worked up about the illnesses going around-I feel like it's just a matter of time...I can SO relate to Kaylee!! Funny girl! Now I don't feel so abnormal. :)

Kelli said...

your daughter with the mask is funny. Sometimes Bridger runs around with masks on. Glad Brooke is feeling better