Tuesday, October 23, 2012

My new Love!

I have a new love but it has not replaced Sean or my 4 children, but it is right up there with them. CROSSFIT!! It is the best thing ever. I have always liked exercising but I have never been this passionate about it. I love to run and I still do that 2 days a week, but right now crossfit has my heart. People ask me about it and I have a really hard time explaining it but it is seriously the best workout ever. It is always different and I love coming in to the "box" to see what kind of fun I am going to have on that particular day.I leave dripping with sweat and it feels so good. I have gotten stronger, I have learned to eat "clean" and I love the way it makes me feel. I have some really great trainers that take the time to show me how to properly do all the workouts. Some accomplishment's that I have had recently is, I was able to deadlift 160 pounds, I can do 25 double unders(with a jump rope), I can take 4 steps doing a handstand, and I can almost do a kipping pull up without assistance. I feel strong , I feel good and that is why I do crossfit!   
The kids got me these shoes for my birthday and I love them because they remind me of what I am capable of! I just recently bought a new pair so I can have options!:)
 On September 26th I did my first prescribed workout, meaning I was able to do the workout exactly as you are suppose to without having to do a lower weight or have assistance on something. This workout was wall balls and box jumps. You ended up doing 150 total of each and my time was 25:21. Since then I know I would be able to do it faster and more efficiently. You are always learning and growing in crossfit and I will do it for a very long time to come!