Thursday, February 17, 2011

This and That!

The Elwell household has been very busy lately. Here is just a little bit of what's been going on:

Brooke got her very own Book of Mormon at church on Sunday. She was very proud to have it. She is also giving a talk in primary this coming up Sunday. Her talk is on "The scriptures teach of Heavenly Father's plan." She amazes me. She is learning so much at church and school. She is starting to read words and it is fun to see her get so excited when she can sound something out.

Kaylee is as crazy as ever. She is forever stealing my camera and taking pictures of herself. She is very in to the way she looks and spends a good amount of the day looking in the mirror. She gets up at 4:45 EVERY morning to get ready for school. (That is 2 hours before she has to leave!) She will soon learn that sleep is precious and you should get every possible minute you can.

I volunteer in Brooke's classroom and this week I got to help with her Valentines Party. It was so much fun to see her in class with her friends. She is very friendly and kind to her class mates and that makes me proud. We frosted sugar cookies, played games and handed out Valentine cards.
(A fun Day but tortuous for me since I am still on my "no sweets" kick, and I love sugar cookies. It has been 54 days and I am going strong. I feel so good. My running has improved and I just over all feel like I have more energy. I am trying to continue it until I get to April 16th-my marathon day, but we will see. I take one day at a time!)
Cierra had a concert on Tuesday of this week and it was fun to see her sing and play her recorder. She was very excited for this day and has been counting down for weeks. She sang"Wet me down in Washington", which is appropriate since we have been seeing alot of rain!:) I'm use to it, Sean on the other hand is going crazy.

Kaylee has been through a few different hair colors in the last few months. She went from her natural color of light brown to red and then to dark brown. It's been fun for her but we aren't going to make a habit out of coloring her hair too often.(This is her with her BFF, Ashley!)

This is the time of year I hate the most in the school year! SCIENCE FAIR!!! I despise the science fair. It's more work for the parents than the kids and it is just not fun. Luckily, I bribed Sean a few time into doing most of the work with the kids. He is awesome and is always happy to help with school work. Me on the other hand, would rather poke my eyes out with dull pencils and that is no exaggeration! Connor's was due a few weeks ago and he did pretty good and Cierra's was due today. We(or should I say Cierra and Sean) finished late last night.

Brooke is still falling asleep everywhere. She will get tired and decide to take a nap. She is sleeping on the chairs of our kitchen table wearing her dress up leopard leotard in this picture. And yes, she still sucks her thumb. Only when she is tired but hopefully she will stop one of these years!
Kaylee is staying busy with homework, Young Women's and her social life. Basketball just got over and she had fun doing that. She even made a few baskets. She is improving.
Connor is always making something with duct tape or paper. He loves to play outside with his friends and he is involved in scouts. He is playing indoor soccer and loves it even though they aren't winning too many. Baseball starts up again so and he can't wait for that.
Cierra is busy playing with friends, reading, keeping up with homework, going to Activity Days and doing her run club. She doesn't complain about going and is able to run 2 miles with only a few little walking breaks. She says she wants to run a marathon when she gets older. I know she can do it, she has my determination.
Brooke is always playing in her room with her barbies, legos or dress up. She loves to jump on the trampoline and loves to play with her friends Isaac and Baylie. She is in a daisy troop and is currently selling girl scout cookies.
I love these kiddos of mine and I am so grateful for them in my life.
Sean is very busy with work. He is working way more than he used to but I guess that's what happens when you get a promotion and have more responsible. He is such a hard worker, he amazes me! He is working with the Young Men in our ward and enjoying that. He goes to the Y often to work out and even goes on a run a few days a week.
As for me, I am ALWAYS busy. I don't know which end is up at time but I wouldn't have it any other way. I work part-time with two elderly people helping them with things at their home. I babysit 3 days a week for Isaac.(brooke's best friend) I am currently playing basketball once a week which is very exhausting and stressful and times but I enjoy it. I am currently training for a marathon that is in April and I feel like I am running constantly. In reality it is only about 40 miles a week. I think that's about it beside running the kids around and taking care of them and occasionally seeing Sean for a date night or two. I am truly blessed!