Tuesday, February 9, 2010

And the torture has begun..........

I stole this cute little cartoon from Carrie's blog. I thought it explained the way I would be feeling soon .
I have very mixed emotions as I embark on probably the hardest thing I have ever done(well, maybe besides childbirth)and as I think about it I am looking forward to it and dreading it all at the same time. I have finally gotten to the point where I love running. It is such a stress reliever for me and I love to get out and just run. Put me on a track or a treadmill and that is a different story but if I am outside running it is very therapeutic for me. I have done 5 half marathons and I decided this is the year I would finally step it up and go for the full . At one time in my life 13.1 miles seemed like an eternity but now it is a great run for me. Not that it isn't hard, because it is still very hard, but it's easier than it was 3 years ago. I never thought I would say I will be running 26.2 miles without stopping(hopefully not) in a few short months. June 5th is the day that I will either be so overcome with the accomplishment I have obtained or I will be DEAD! Hopefully it is the first one!:)

I am so blessed to have Carrie, Anna, Tiffany and Soila running with me. I couldn't have gotten this far if I didn't have such great friends that have pushed me through. Thank you for all your wonderful support ladies!


Mom and Dad said...

cute, sounds like how I feel. you're are doing great