Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Is it really September?

September came way too fast this year! How did that happen? School started last week and I can hardly believe it. The long awaited time when I have all 4 of my children in school all day long! What am I going to do with myself? I'm sure I will think of plenty to keep me busy, like blogging. I'm so behind, it's crazy. It may not seem like such a big deal but since this is my way of journaling I need to catch up. I will start with the first day of school and work backwards. It will be a little out of order but it will be easier for me.

Kaylee started 8th grade this year. She loves school (more for the social part) but does well and is glad it has started again. She gets up around 4:45, to catch the bus at 6:45. YES, it takes her that long to get ready. She doesn't like to be rushed. Kaylee tried out for the school volleyball team and made first cuts but didn't make the final cut. She was a little upset but she got over it pretty quickly. She started playing volleyball at Competitive edge 2 nights a week and I know it will really help her. She has Young Women's once a week so she is pretty busy. Needless to say, I don't have to tell her to go to bed each night. She is exhausted and falls into bed almost every night.

Connor started 7th grade this year. He hardly seems old enough but he was excited and ready to go the first day. He was most happy about being able to wear his new shoes to school. Connor has a "girl" that's a friend that he texts back and forth constantly. It's cute but I know I won't think that in a few more years. Her name is Ellie and they have been friends for years. I only note her name here because I want to have proof when they do marry. I take pictures of them together all the time for their wedding album. They just roll their eyes at me when I say this. Connor is playing soccer 2 days a week and does scouts. He loves being outside riding his bike.

Cierra started 4th grade this year and is so excited to learn. She loves her new teacher, Mrs. Alston and looks forward to school every day. She loves wearing her new school outfits and has a birthday coming up in a few days. She is so excited because I told her she could shave her legs when she was 10. Dang! It's here. Cierra is still in run club and has now completed 3 5k races. I'm so proud of her. I hope she gets my passion for running. It's such an amazing feeling! She is also involved with Activity Days and looks forward to it every other week.

Brooke is now a big 1st grader. She grew up way too fast. She loves her teacher, Mrs. Smith and loves wearing her new outfits too. She is working hard to improve her reading and loves to write her numbers to 100. She gets some backwards but loves to try. Brooke lost her first tooth this summer and loves to put her tongue through the hole. You will never catch Brooke inside if the weather is decent. She is always playing with her friends and riding her bike.

I love these kiddos more than anything but I am really looking forward to some peace and quiet. We go, go, go all summer long and now it is time to catch up on everything that needs to be done!:)


Anonymous said...

Looks like you'll be one busy family this year!