I hate Tuesdays, especially this one and I will tell you why: I got up at 5am to hit the gym(ugh!) and that wasn't even so bad even though I had only had about 4 hours of sleep. After I got home I needed to get the kids ready for school and then hop in the car to take our lovely cute little"girl" Sadie to the vet to be spayed and to update shots. I then get back home and then we are out the door again to get Brooke and Isaac off to preschool but not before picking up Luke who I carpool with. I then run some errands while they are at preschool and pick them up again 2 hours later. We drop Luke off and come home for lunch and playtime and a little rest. Then the 3 other kids plus Meaghan come home. We do a little homework and then back in the car to take Connor to scouts. We pick up Tyler and Matthew because it is my carpool day and then I come back and get Sadie. I was a little surprised when they told me how much it cost because it was about 50.00 cheaper than what they quoted me on the phone. Oh well, I deserve a break every once in awhile, right? Well then I got to reading the receipt and it says Male-Neuter. I say to the lady, this is funny, it says you neutered a male cat and since I have a female cat named Sadie with a pink collar that we have had for the last 6 months, you must have made a mistake. She said she was sorry and that she would check on it. She came back to inform me that our dear little precious Sadie is definitely a boy. I just had to laugh! Poor thing. No wonder he kept taking his collar off. He didn't like the pink. Anyways, we are trying to adjust to calling her a him and debating on changing his name. The vet said if we keep the last syllable the same, it would be a easy thing to do. Not sure what we will do yet! Anyways back to my day, I then drop off "the cat" and go back and pick up the 3 boys from scouts, drop off Tyler and Matthew and then home to fix dinner. Then we are back in the car to take Kaylee to her Tuesday night tutor session, which brings me up to right now. I have about 10 minutes and we are back in the car to pick her up and then it is off to bed to start it all over again tomorrow.
She, I mean he is still a little dopey from the medication but otherwise doing fine. I probably shouldn't share this because I may sound a little dopey myself but I noticed that "Sadie" had some you know, things hanging down from her rear area but I thought she might have had hemorrhoids. I know, can you believe it? I guess I know what they are, I mean were now!!!!!!
5 years ago
Dang, girl! You are so busy! Sean owes you a massage, am I right? :)
what did kayleee think about Sadie? Are you going to change his name? Kind of funny:) Susan
That's the most inexpensive sex change procedure I've ever heard about. Gotta love those pets! I have a male dog that likes other male dogs. Let you think about that one...
so funny :) I'll be interested to hear about the name change.
That is really funny. Thanks for the good laugh! You could name him Fredie?!
BTW, I just told my kids that story and they laughed so hard! Too funny.
LOL....You are sooo funny! You sould just call him SadHE!!! I was in the pet section at Walmart where a lady was buying kitty supplies, she said her Boy cat named George just had a litter of kittens!!!! See it could have been in reverse....you got the better end of that deal!!!!
That is hilarious. Wow. I am always amazed when people will spot an animal somewhere and know what the gender is, like they are looking for it or are trained to know what it looks like. I always call other people's dogs "he" because we have always had male dogs, and female dog owners will be like looking toward the back of their dogs and saying, "it's a girl" like it's the most obvious thing in the world. Gross, it is not obvious and I'm not looking!
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