Am I really coming upon the teenage years of my oldest daughter, Kaylee? She will be 12 this year and this morning was a great example of the fun times I have ahead. As you can see from the picture below, there sits 17 pairs of jeans. Not 7, but 17!!!! She starts getting all huffing this morning saying she has no jeans to wear. Are you kidding me? I pulled all these out and she said none of them fit. They are all too short. Believe me, after school we will try on every last pair and get to the bottom of this. I could only wish that I had 17 pairs of jeans. Well, rest assured she didn't go to school naked. She found one that fit but what she thought was too short, I thought they actually looked a little long. This is going to be a battle and I already know how it is going to end up. We will be taking a trip to Old Navy to get new jeans.:( I want to go back to bed. Yesterday was the longest day ever and now it starts over again. Although today is easy day with only preschool, orthodontist appt. and basketball practice for Connor. I may get through it!;0)
5 years ago
I wish I had 17 pairs of jeans and I wish I ever had the problem of jeans being too short. That would be a new one for me. I guess that's what happens when you're all legs. Lucky girl!
Feel your pain! But Aubrey seems to think that she gets to pull the "I'm almost a teenager so I have to give my mom a hard time" thing. The gang up on me! Good luck!
17 jeans! holy hannah! that is a collection!
I hope you survived the day!
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