This past week I had the best run of my life. I really feel like I'm not a natural runner. I had to work hard to get to the point I am now. I started very slow and very slowly I have worked up to my most recent half. My goal going into this half was to finish in under 2 hours. I calculated what my pace would need to be to get a 1:59:59. I needed to keep a 9:09 pace which I thought would be do-able, especially on a flat course such as this one. I didn't want to get my hopes up just in case I was not able to meet my goal. I don't like to fail.
So as I set out with my awesome running buddies, we were keeping about an 8:50 pace and it felt good. I thought I might be able to manage this pace the whole time . So I kept it there and just kept going. About mile 7, Jenny started slowing a little but Soila and I kept our pace. About mile 11 I was having a hard time catching my breath but continued on and finished at 1:56:19 at a 8:53 pace. I was so happy! I felt such a great feeling of accomplishment coming across the finish line. And if I already wasn't hooked, I am now. I'm looking forward to the Green river Marathon in less than 3 weeks where I hope to get a 4:30 (or under) marathon.
So far I have done 8 half marathons and 2 full marathons.
This picture is of Jenny, Soila and I after the race. It was the only picture we got and it was taken with Jenny's phone.(not sure why it's so small:))
5 years ago
Congratulations, Jodi, I'm so proud of you! You have worked so hard.
Would never guess that Snoqualmie's course was flat, but glad you were able to PR! Please let me know when Sean's next race in series is sched...Saw him on news & caught up with Sommer @ TOFW in Seattle last weekend! Anyway, proud of you as well & obviously do better myself when am training for something considering haven't ran regularly since trying to catch up to you in Leavenworth '09-ugh! Have been doing Sparks Stadium stairs 2-3x/wk though & that kicks your bootie too for cross-training purposes:)
What a woman!! Those are all moments to be proud of indeed! Hopefully someday I can get back into the running scene and we could do a race together. Way to Go!!
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