Saturday, April 2, 2011

Wild and Crazy Spring Break!

We didn't do anything too exciting this week but we had fun being together. We went on a bike ride to South Hill Park. That was fun but it was a little chilly. Connor and I had a date and went to see Diary of a Wimpy kid 2.( He brought along his friend Matthew). We had a play doh contest and I was the judge. See pictures below. I had to choose Brooke since she is the youngest. Isn't that how it works? Cierra's Brooke's

Can you guess?
Connor was busy doing this so he did not participate in the contest. He is always out here doing flips. He has only fallen off once when he was doing a flip and luckily he landed on his feet. He is a boy top to bottom!

He also went to the shooting range with grandpa. He loved it and can't stop talking about getting his hunting license and going hunting with him.

Sock's has been up to no good. I get one mouse head(sometimes two) and what I think may be the lungs delivered either to my laundry room or to the porch everyday. It is disgusting but inquiring minds needed to know so when I saw her with this mouse I watched what she did. Sure enough she ate the whole thing but the head and the lungs. I know! It's totally gross. Any suggesting on how to get her to stop? We have a field behind our house and I know she hunts all day long. I can't leave her in the house all day, she would go crazy.
I had to "borrow" some eggs from Anna(per her request) on April Fools Day and this is what we got. The kids loved it. They are cupcakes! Aren't they so cute?

Speaking of April Fool's, we got my sister! Kaylee called and told her I had fallen down the stairs. She started to freak out so Kaylee told her she was April Fools-ing her! Hehe!

We(the kids and I) and a few friends went to see HOP yesterday. Super cute movie.

So we just did things here and there this week but it was so nice to sleep in and spend time with the kids.

I finally talked Sean into going to the Great Wolf Lodge and we will be doing that later this month. I'm so excited...the kids are too.

Now if we could only get some more sun and less rain! I have 2 weeks until the Wenatchee Marathon and I am super excited! Can't wait. I am hoping to beat my time from my last one:)


Baker said...

Love the playdoh creations! And can see our house from the trampoline! lol Gross mouse. Blech. And those eggs? Awesome. Our spring break was really lame. Matched the weather perfectly. Time for some sun! I agree!!