I feel like I need to write about running because it has become my life. The video attached explains me to a T. I never thought I would call myself a runner but it has happened. When I'm not taking care of my family, I am running, thinking about running, washing my running clothes so they will be ready for my next run, looking up ways to run faster, wondering what to eat so that it doesn't affect my running, and going to bed early so I can run the next day.
I must say I'm officially addicted. I admit it is a good addiction, as long as my body can take it but it is still funny to me. I hated running when I was younger. I hated that feeling of being out of breath. I now love to get to that point where I can barely breathe. It is a feeling of accomplishment.
I am in the middle of training for a marathon and look forward to my runs. I ran 16 miles last week and it felt awesome. I wasn't sore the next day and I went faster than I ever had before with that many miles. I have set a goal to run 5 marathons before I turn 40. I have a feeling I will do more than that. I think 2 a year is a good goal, along with a few half marathons added in. Anna, my neighbor and friend has motivated me to run and I hope that I can do that too.
My sister is now running and I know she will get to the point when she wants to run a half marathon. She is doing the 10k in Wenatchee when I do my marathon. I am so proud of her. She has come along way. It is fun to see my great friend Amy running. She has lost over 50 pounds and is running all the time. You both rock and I love that you have the determination to keep going! The sky is the limit!
I'm passionate about running and it feels good. I love just running and feeling the fresh air in my face. I love having so many friends that I can run with. They help and inspire me to keep going!
If you have ever thought you couldn't do something, think again. This was the farthest thing from my mind even 5 years ago. I would have said you were crazy to be running a marathon. Well, I guess the joke is on me and I am the crazy one!
5 years ago
We are very proud of you. What a wonderful choice to make in your life. It is also great that you have encouraged your sister and Amy to try it also. We love you.
Thanks Jodi :) you are an inspiration to many of us.
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