Last night we went with the Conner family and some neighbors, Racheal and John and their two kids to the park for a dinner picnic. We rode our bikes with 9 kids and all the food and made it safely. We then rode our bikes over to the church to do some blackberry picking. We got a lot of blackberries and then we headed over to Sonic to get dessert. We had a great time but we wish Sean could have joined us. He was working hard to get a house ready for a wedding we are going to on Saturday.
5 years ago
how did summer get so close to ending? I really wanted all the preschool kids get have a few play dates, now its time to start almost! we have been enjoying all the blackberries also. They seem bigger this year. see you all in a few weeks at preschool
i love all those activ, but am most impressed that you biked to do 'em all:) your energy puts me to shame, but looking forward to doin' leavenworth with ya! just talked to anna about it today...guess i gotta pay for it first:)
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