Happy Birthday to the best sister ever. I am so lucky to have a sister that lives 5 minutes away and that I can count on for anything. Mindy has always been there for me my whole life and I am truly grateful for her in my life. She is the most giving person you would ever meet. I am so glad we live close to each other so our kids can grow up together, Chance and Kaylee fought like crazy when they were little and now they are the best of friends. Connor and Austin love to be around each other playing sports or the Wii. Cierra and Shaylyn are always together doing something. And of course Brooke just tags along with them all.
Thank you Mindy for being one of my best friends! We went to Olive Garden on Saturday to celebrate without the kids. The guys were not being cooperative for a picture but we got one of us. Do we look alike?
5 years ago
Thanks for starting my day with tears. I love you too and I am grateful we are close to each other.
Sisters ARE the GREATEST!
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