Well the big day has arrived when I have 6 hours a week to myself. That's right. Brooke started preschool this morning. I kind of miss her. I didn't cry like I thought I would be is so quiet in the house, I am not sure what to do with myself. Isaac, that I do daycare for three days a week is also going to preschool so she had no problem going and saying goodbye to me. I said goodbye three times hoping she would say, "Wait mommy, don't go!" but nope that didn't happen. She just waved a continued to play with her friends. Her good friend Kaylee is also in her class so she is very excited to be with her too. Well, I guess I should clean the house or something..........
5 years ago
Is she in preschool for 6 hours? I want some of that! I get 3 hours 4 days a week of quiet and It's great! Who needs a clean house, we need to throw a party!
Yay for you and her! She'll love preschool. What a fun time! :)
Very cute pics. Enjoy your quiet time, you deserve it after all these years! I had my chance for quiet time too, now I started watching a one and two year old for 9 hrs a day 2-3 times a week. So far, so good. Brookes little friend is soo cute! She should be in commercials or something!
that's how I did my hair the 1st day of school too!!!!
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